Sunday, October 14, 2012


IMG_0702 by mysterywriter40
IMG_0702, a photo by mysterywriter40 on Flickr.

Getting there.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Sailor Moon quilt I am making or my niece - she bought most of the fabric and I am putting it all together. I hope to have it ready when she and her husband move from Italy to Colorado, where they've been stationed for the past couple of years.
Indie and Giz - my two favorite animals in the world. I can't wait to see them again.
Another fingerless glove set - maybe if i quit buying Noro yarn I wouldn't feel the need to make them.
Pepperoni pizza and cereal to ship to Italy.
Working on the lawn.
Guernsey Wrap by Brooklyn Tweed progress. I love this wrap and will be make a few more in different colors.
Getting my notes together for NanoWriMo.
Hoping to win this year in NaNoWriMo. Participating in a workshop during the month of November to get ready for it.
Bought myself a new vehicle - 2012 GMC Terrain. So far I'm loving it.