Sunday, July 31, 2011

Temp closet

I recently purchased this closet from Amazon and got it put together today in about 30 minutes, the recommended time the instructions said it would take. No special tools were needed, however a rubber mallet would have been nice to have on hand.

My real closet is so cluttered that I've taken to putting storage into my bedroom. What I really need to do is to clean out the closet (AGAIN!) and then I wouldn't have to buy additional storage. Might have to add this as a fall project. What I really need to do is to give away or pitch those items that I do not need or an no longer using. I am such a pack rat that I can't give much away because I can always come up with some reason or another for keeping something. And those somethings begin to add up after time.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dirt cake and a homesteading plan

I thought I had kept a photo of the dirt cake I made last weekend but I guess I have deleted it. My niece can't even find the one copy I sent to her so I'm picture-less of the new recipe I tried. My goal at the beginning of the year was to make one new food stuff each month. I have collect recipes for years and it was time to try them out and either keep it or pitch the recipe. I stopped around March but finally tried again here in July with Dirt Cake. My good friend T has made the same thing at her 4th of July weekend bash and I had to try it at home I loved it that much.

The pictures I have included are from my grandmother's trailer, or rather what's left of it. She died in 2008 but she was in a nursing home for a few years before that and the place was left to ruin. Vandals have already been inside taking the copper and whatever other stuff they could find.

I'm currently waiting on cooler weather (November) to begin clearing the land. I need to cut down what trees haven't fallen over and get them out of the way before I can start dismantling the trailer itself. I'm tempted to keep the frame where it is and build a kind of three season outdoor area that is screened it but that has water and cooking available for cookouts, etc. Possibly even have a sleepover in it. Not sure if that will stay the plan but that is one option.

All I want is a place of my own. A place for solitude and to be able to do what I want when I want.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Life in the Country - my own version

I recently received an email from the Apartment Therapy people that let me know the IKEA 2012 catalog was on the way. I can't wait to get my copy!

There was a picture using the item from the left that I totally fell in love with. I wish there was a store closer to me, but as long as I can get stuff delivered I have a feeling that IKEA and I are going to be best friends.

I will post more on where I'm going to building my home, what it will look like, and how long it will take. I plan to do what I can myself and hire out only those things I cannot do or not willing to do (electrical!!) to keep my costs as low as possible. This way I can pay as I go and not have HUGE loan at the end that I now have to pay back. Same process will be used on decorating the inside, one room at a time.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New mug for my bathroom

I had found a fine bone china cup with owls on it in all kinds of colors but my niece wanted it so I went back to Marshall's to look for another one in a different store and found this one instead. So Kait will get her owls (I like them too) and I get my British/England-ish mug. I plan to put it in the bathroom to hold my toothbrush and toothpaste.

Antique clothes rack

I have a book where I keep pictures I have cut out of magazines about things I like, might put in my house or that inspire my creativity.

Right now I'm wanting to make one of these. I can see that I will need to stain it and not paint it white like I have done everything else in my bedroom. I like white. I need the lightness.

So I am now on a search for plans to build my own. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's been awhile...

...since my last post. Life has gotten in the way but I think I am now able to look around the obstacles and see the light at the end.

I went shopping with a friend today and ended up buying this beauty at Marshall's. It will make a great new addition to my bathroom. Right after I clean it. :)

Haven't worked on many craft/sewing/quilting projects since my last post and I really need to get back to it. I miss it and all the creativity that comes from working on projects.

I'm currently attempting to do the beta version of Camp NaNoWriMo but it isn't working out. I have an outline, but the interest in the story just isn't there. So I think I am going to wait until August when the real version starts and work on coming up with an idea that will keep me interested the entire month.

I'm also hoping to get my bedroom painted this next weekend. It really needs it. I'm wanting to make it a relaxing place to be. An escape from the world, if you want to think of it that way. Aqua tones for the curtains, white walls and a new white and aqua quilt (to be made by me) will be pure bliss, once I get it all together.

Until next time.....